How Do You Remove A Group On Facebook | Update 2019

Delete Facebook Group

How Do You Remove A Group On Facebook

Is it time to remove your Facebook team? Groups can be an useful asset to your organisation advertising yet they don't constantly work out the way you planned.

If you have a big membership, they can be incredibly time-consuming. Unless they are adding to a details business goal, it's hard to justify keeping them alive.

In this article, we'll look at just how to delete a Facebook team along with some choices to pulling the plug.

Deleting your Facebook group is extreme and also final. As soon as you have actually done it, there's no going back. You'll lose all the web content and also threads. All the work you place in will certainly be gone with great. So before you delete, take into consideration the various other choices.

If you are 100% certain you want to remove scroll down to aim 4.

1. Modification the Group's Name and also Branding
As opposed to erasing could re-branding the team work?

It can be disheartening when you grow an engaged group however members constantly advise your competitors in their comments. Generally, this is because you didn't make it clear that the group is possessed by your organisation when you set it up.

If so, a re-brand could deal with the trouble. Change the group name, include branding to your cover photos, and also link it to your Facebook web page. Below's exactly how.

Change the team name

  • Click the three dots underneath your cover image

  • Select 'Edit group settings' from the drop-down menu

Delete Facebook Group

Edit group settings to transform the name of your Facebook group

  • Enter your new group name next to 'Group Call'

Delete Facebook Group

Modification your Facebook team name to the new branded variation.

Add branding to the cover image
Your group cover photo size is 1,640 px by 859px. Usage Canva, or your recommended graphic layout tool, to develop a Facebook group cover that includes your logo design.

Link the group to your web page

Connecting your web page to your team lets you message, like and also comment as your web page on your Facebook group.

To link your group to your Facebook page:

  • Click the 3 dots under your cover image

  • Select 'Edit team setups' from the drop-down menu

  • Under Linked Pages click 'Link Your Page'

Delete Facebook Group

Link your group to your Facebook web page so that you can publish and also comment as your company

  • Click 'Web link' beside the web page you wish to web link

Select the page you wish to connect your group to

2. Select New Admins
Friendships create in teams-- members materialize links as well as sustain each other. Deleting the team and destroying these partnerships can finish in injured feelings as well as harm your reputation.

As opposed to deleting, supply to hand your Facebook team over to brand-new Admins. Look for energetic members in the group who may intend to tackle the function.

If you hand the group over to brand-new admins, detach the group from your company and consider renaming it so that participants can see there has been a modification.

I additionally recommend pinning a message to the team describing the handover as well as welcoming new admins

To assign new admins.

  • Click the 'Participants' tab

  • Click on the three dots beside the participant you wish to offer admin rights to

  • Select 'Make admin' from the drop-down menu

Delete Facebook Group

Hand your group over to brand-new admins

3. Archive Your Group
Only a team maker can erase a group unless the designer has left. In that case, any type of admin can erase the group The procedure is permanent-- archiving a group is not.

Archived teams continue to be in-tact with all photos as well as threads still visible for members to check out. An archived group will not show up in search results for non-members as well as no new members can join.

Admins can still block as well as remove individuals as well as threads yet the team descriptions can not be altered.

Archiving is reversible. If you change your mind you can un-archive a team and also go back to energetic usage.

This could be the most effective solution if you are taking a prolonged break from your service or are servicing a job that means you don't have time to give to the group.

It additionally means you will continue to have access to the content and also threads in the team that could be a resource in the future.

Just how to archive a team.

  • Click the three dots under your cover image

  • Select 'Archive group' from the drop-down menu

Delete Facebook Group

Archive your Facebook team by clicking the 3 dots under your cover image as well as selecting 'Archive team'

  • A pop-up home window will appear asking you to validate the action

Delete Facebook Group

Confirm that you intend to Archive your team

4. Remove Your Facebook Team
If none of the options above benefit you after that indeed, erasing your Facebook group could be the ideal selection. Deleting a team is permanent. You'll shed all the content and threads-- there is no going back.

Before you hit delete
Tell your participants. Your team participants have added as well as assisted the team grow. They've built connections and partnerships. It's courteous to allow them recognize you are removing it.

This provides an opportunity to download and install any type of images or video clips they have actually posted, note any type of useful info shared, as well as end up being Facebook close friends with individuals they have actually gotten in touch with.

Provide participants plenty of time to prepare-- tell them when you'll delete the group and also suggest various other teams they could join.

The hardest component concerning removing a group is that, at the time of composing, there is no other way to archive all the data from your group like you can as a page. That's why it's so crucial to put in the time to go through your group content and also download any type of photos as well as video clips you want to keep.

Just how to delete your Facebook group

This is a lengthy procedure if you have a great deal of members.

Only the group maker can delete a Facebook group unless they have left the group.

  • Click the participants tab

  • Click the 3 dots next to each participant consequently

  • Select 'Eliminate from Team' one at a time up until all participants are gone

  • The Facebook team is deleted once the last participant is removed

Delete Facebook Group

Get rid of participants individually to delete your Facebook group

  • Facebook will ask you to confirm this as you remove on your own as the last member


Erasing your Facebook group is a radical choice but it could be the appropriate one for your business. Evaluate up your choices prior to you take it. And if deletion is the very best alternative for you, take down what you discovered from running your team so you can pick up from it.